Composite veneers duration & results
Composite veneers are thin coatings that are placed on the surface of the frond teeth with the aim to improve their shape, colour, form and inclination. Dental veneers belong to the field of aesthetic dentistry and they are slightly invasive, as they can offer partial coverage of the teeth without teeth grinding being required.
Materials and benefits
Composite veneers are consisted by a polymeric and biocompatible material that does not have toxic side effects for the body. This material has become known from its usage in white dental fillings. Dental veneers can create a flawless, beautiful and bright smile.
Dental veneers consist a permanent teeth whitening method and they can provide the solution in cases where simple teeth whitening cannot work. Composite veneers have also the ability to close small gaps with extend up to 1,5mm, creating a sense of continuity between the teeth. In this case, composite veneers are placed alongside the teeth and grow them bigger symmetrically. At the same time, composite veneers can align the teeth without the application of orthodontic treatment, improving their shape.
One of the advantages of composite veneers is that they can restore up to ten teeth in just one session. In this process colour sampling can be done easily and quickly, without the involvement of laboratory or manufacturing phases. The tone colour can also modified either during the session or after a short amount of time. However, it has to be mentioned that composite veneers can crack or peel, something that can be repaired immediately. Every 6-7 years the maintenance of composite veneers is required, in order to maintain the teeth whitened and glossy.
Preparation and placement
Before the placement of dental veneers an analysis of patient’s facial features and denture is required, because the dentist will be able to find the best possible solution. Then the teeth that need intervention are chosen and the dentist proposes options for teeth colour and shape.
The placement of composite veneers starts after a slight teeth grinding, which helps the successful installation of the aesthetic material. Finally, the bonding is shaped and polished in order to produce the desired effect.
In the end of the session the patient must not consume hard food or food with pigments, for at least four hours. A future appointment with the doctor after one week is also necessary, due to the fact that composite veneers have to be checked and improved, if any imperfection has spotted. The results after the placement of dental veneers are amazing, providing to the patient the most white and well-shaped smile he could ever have!