Porcelain veneers: Benefits & Lifespan

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers refer to special coverings of the teeth made of dental porcelain, which are placed on the front of the teeth. In other words, they consist a technique of partial coverage of the teeth, which helps to improve their colour and geometry. These are manufactured with a special high-precision technique and can be placed by the dentist in a specific way, without the need of teeth grinding during their application.

In which cases are porcelain veneers indicated?
Dental veneers of porcelain can be applied:
  • To cover gaps between teeth.
  • To improve the appearance of the front teeth, without orthodontic treatment.
  • To restore teeth that have suffered some injuries or damage.
  • To improve the colour of the teeth.
  • To obtain a more uniform appearance in the smile, after multiple dental interventions.
The advantages of the procedure
  • Minimally invasive method, without influence and loss of dental substance.
  • Uniform and impressive result.
  • Durability and functionality, improving the patient’s daily life.
  • It is the alternative to composite veneers.
  • They can cover fairly large gaps between the teeth.
  • They are compatible with the environment of the oral cavity.

porcelain veners

The process

The process of applying these dental veneers takes about 3 sessions. Before the application of porcelain veneers, an examination by the dentist and estimation of the case is necessary, which will be done at the first visit. After certain decisions that have been made about the color, shape and areas of application of the veneers, the impression of the teeth is made. The immediate simulation of the result follows, in order to help the patient perceive the complete image. In other words, in the second appointment, the final result is applied, immediately and bloodlessly. Finally, a third appointment is necessary, because the dentist must check the produced result and make the necessary corrections.

Stages of  application
  • Checking the teeth, taking samples and impressions.
  • Construction of porcelain veneers.
  • Placement – ​​welding of the material.
  • Recheck for any complications.
Dental veneers: Duration & Results.

Dental veneers of porcelain can last an average of 10 – 15 years, provided that insignificant problems will arise within the oral cavity. But when their original shade begins to alternate, then they should be removed and replaced.
However, porcelain veneers are the most durable solution in terms of improving the external appearance of the teeth, while providing the best possible aesthetic result. So, if you wish to obtain the best version of your smile, at the Love Smile dental clinic, we are here to provide it to you!